Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Daylight Saving Time

This weekend brings around one of the most confusing times of the year for me: Daylight Saving Time. My body is mostly on Standard Time, so I don't function well in the mornings until the time changes back (and I get my extra hour's sleep again!) in October. I researched Daylight Saving Time on the internet, and found this most informative website: It has the entire history and purposes of Daylight Saving Time on the site. Traditionally, times always change on the first weekend in April and the last weekend in October. Something I did not realize is that George W. Bush has managed to screw this up too.

How many people know that on August 8, 2005, President George W. Bush signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005? This Act will changed U.S. time change dates for Daylight Saving Time beginning in 2007. The U.S. will be on an even wackier schedule at that time, with Daylight Saving Time beginning on the second Sunday of March and ending the first Sunday of November. Congress has a right to revert the Daylight Saving Time back to the 2005 traditional Daylight Saving Time after the Department of Energy has had time to study the effects of this change.

So, it sounds like more of the same lingo we've been getting from GW lately. Does this mean that it will also be up to a "future President" to change our time back to the right time AND bring back our soldiers from Iraq?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bowling Balls

Marvin and I are finishing up the bowling season at hand. Last night was the first of several banquets that will be attended over the next month. We even took some money home. I won first place in high game handicap (290) and came in 22nd in our year-end tournament, winning $65. Marvin really racked up. He came in second place with high game handicap (289) and came in fourth in our year-end tournament, winning $140. That's the most that we've ever won during our bowling seasons together.

I will also be attending the women's bowling association (of which I'm president) banquet and the Thursday night/men's bowling association (of which Marvin is president) banquet in the next few weeks. This year is the final year that both associations will have separate banquets. As of May 1, the associations are merging and we will have an entirely different set of individuals in officer positions. Both of us have decided to step down and give someone else their chance to shine and develop their talents. I've always said that an organization is only as good as its members. Presidents come and go, but a strong membership keeps the balls rolling.

Spring Changes

Living as close to the Mississippi River as we do, the saying around here is: "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it'll change." Last week, we had beautiful sunshiney days with highs in the 70s. This week we're back to highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s. Brrrrrabbits! I know that it is all part of our spring weather though. It will all settle down by May and the temperatures will be warmer. For right now though, it's warm jackets for me!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Aislin Ruth or Noah Bryant?

The question of baby names for Jonathan and Keri's child was solved back at the end of January. The ultrasound indicated that the baby would be a boy. So, we will welcome Noah Bryant into the world sometime this June. Everyone is busy making preparations for the big event, buying clothes, furniture, and other things to mark the occasion of his birth.

They have picked some very cool names. Aislin was rated one of the top cool girl baby names of 2005. It has Irish origins, meaning Vision. Noah has also been a top cool boy baby name, and of course has Hebrew/Biblical origins, meaning To Comfort.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Moving Days

I know it seems like this blog has been moving slower than a spotted leopard slug lately, but I've been busy moving out of our other house and prepping it for sale. On the first week of January, Marvin and I received a surprise from our nephew Bubba and his wife Barbara: They wanted to buy our house. I went straight into moving mode, and even took a week and half's vacation because we had a lot of stuff to move. Then I caught this flu bug that has lasted over a month. I've been mainly going to work and sleeping when not at work. And yes, I ADMIT IT! MY CHRISTMAS TREES ARE STILL UP! There, I've said it! I plan to get a lot of it put away this weekend.

For months I've wanted to have all of my things in the same place. Now that it's all in the same place, I realize that I'm even more unorganized than even I will admit. But then again, I guess I just did...

I will miss our two-story cypress home and its very cool spiral staircase. The house out at the Smith Farm will be a challenge and a lot of hard work, but I'm hoping to turn it into a home that is just as cool.

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