Tuesday, December 07, 2004

the big picture

This morning I arrived at my podiatrist's office at the same time he did. I then found out my true purpose in life...helping to pay for a beautiful candy-apple red Corvette. This aggravated me for a while, but then I remembered that he has battled cancer and has won this round. My attitude turned around 180 degrees then. He deserves as many red Corvettes as he can afford. Hell, we should all buy red Corvettes, because most of us have survived some huge obstacle in life that needs to be rewarded.

My foot seems to be healing nicely. My biopsy results show that I have a case of contact dermatitis. I'm not sure what I "contacted" to cause this to happen, so all I can do is keep rubbing in the new cream he prescribed and hope that it never returns. I'm thankful that nothing serious was found. These feet have been a lot of places, and I plan on them going to a lot more places over the next forty or so years.

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