Friday, December 10, 2004
Deer Abbey
I live out in the country, and our two-story cypress house is the only house on our road. We are surrounded by soybean fields, corn fields, and wheat fields, with several thickets spread throughout the area. The countryside is full of chirping cardinals, mockingbirds, blue jays, owls, and other various birds of a feather. I like to take walks down our road when the weather is nice. It is not uncommon to spook a deer or two when you're walking down the road. A few weeks ago, I saw a fawn wandering on the side of the road near a bean field. She ran into the field to hide and watch me as I drove by. Another time I was driving in between two thickets, and a flock of about fifteen cardinals flew from one side of the road to the other. Absolutely breathtaking! On Wednesday afternoon around dusk, I was headed out to run some errands and just driving along minding my own business. Suddenly, a doe ran out of a field and right in front of my truck. I hit my brakes and missed her by inches. She was a little taller than the hood, so she would have made a big impression on me and the truck if I had hit her. I was a little shaken (not stirred, well a little maybe) and drove on to get the errands done. It's little things like this that make the little commute I have to work worthwhile. Nature at it's finest, right at my home.