Tuesday, May 10, 2005
baby alert
On our way back from Baton Rouge, we checked in with our daughter-in-law. She went to the doctor for her 35th week checkup. At first they were going to have her come back tomorrow and they were going to induce labor. A couple of hours later they called us back and we found out that if she doesn't go into labor before next Tuesday, May 17th, then they will do a C-section on her that day. She will have to be there at 5:30am, so that means that we will be there with her too, waiting patiently in the delivery waiting room. The baby had its legs crossed at the ultrasound, so we're not sure about the sex yet, and are mainly just praying for a healthy baby. If it's a boy, the name is Gaven Murphy. If it's a boy, the name is Hannah Daisy. Only time will tell on whether we'll be holding a Gaven or a Hannah. Anyway, I'm excited about having a step grandchild. I think it's even more special, because this is a child that is not biologically connected to you. The only strings holding you together are your heartstrings.