Friday, October 21, 2005


I just found out that our son Jonathan and his wife Keri will be expecting a little one in June. Congratulations are in order all around! Everyone is very excited. I was in Nashville settling in to my hotel room on Tuesday night when I got a call from Jonathan on my cellphone. "Hey, Janna. Is dad around close?" "Well Jonathan, we are not in the same town right now. He's in Halls and I'm settling in to my hotel room in Nashville. You can probably catch him at the farm or on his cellphone." "Janna, are you ready to be a grandparent again?" "Well, it sounds like I'm going to be ready right now then? I'm so happy for both of you! How far along is she?" "About a month. We just found out!" "Well, I won't spoil the surprise. I'll let you tell your Dad." I immediately called Marvin and told him that he needed to call Jonathan. "What's the matter?" "Well, he just needs to talk to you." A few minutes later I get this call. "That is something, isn't it?" "What are you talking about?" "He told me that you know." "Know what?" I asked sheepishly. "Yeah, I am tickled."

The next morning I called Jonathan and we made arrangements for me to pick him up at Vandy after my meeting. I took them out to dinner at Cracker Barrel that night and went to church with them afterwards. Keri is absolutely glowing right now. I am so proud for them. Soon Garrett and Hannah will have another little cousin to play with. I'm very excited. The family is growing and it's so cool to see our gatherings grow bigger, a little bit at a time.

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